May all sentient beings be happy and free from suffering.

Individual Therapy

Individuals ImgDeciding to start therapy is a big, brave decision.

Seeking help doesn’t mean you’re weak or a failure.

It means there’s an inner wisdom that knows what you’ve been doing isn’t working, and there must be another way. Even you, who has it all figured out 90% of the time, can become even better with the help of Sentient psychotherapy.

While it can feel intimidating or overwhelming to start therapy,

No matter what brings you in…

No matter how badly you may feel about yourself…

No matter how much you think you’ve screwed up…

You’re here because you’re taking your life into your own hands and choosing to make a change.

Working one-on-one with your Sentient psychotherapist will give you that one hour a week of individualized, specialized attention – just for you – so that you can free yourself of the mental blocks holding you back.
Commit to therapy and find out for yourself the difference it can make.

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PlantsWell-being is a skill.

And, like all skills, it takes commitment and practice.

Working with your Sentient Psychotherapist, you won’t just talk about your problems. You will learn practical, helpful skills – new ways of thinking, feeling, and functioning – that support your goals for treatment.

Whether your thinking tends to be too rigid or too chaotic, mindfulness-based therapy promotes psychological flexibility.

Helping you develop psychological flexibility is at the heart of what we do.

Statue ImgMindfulness + Values + Action =
Psychological Flexibility

Psychological flexibility gives you a foundation for effective change, so you can manage the stress of your complex, modern life with more ease and purpose.

It broadens your perspective as you work through and resolve past traumas.

It frees up enormous energy, setting you to pursue what matters.

It awakens your consciousness and organizes your inner chaos, leaving you feeling more resilient, integrated, and whole.

Most importantly, psychological flexibility provides the rich soil for you to bloom
and grow into the person you long to be.

We know that change can be hard…

But it’s virtually impossible if you keep doing the same thing expecting different results.

Your Sentient psychotherapist is here to guide you toward accepting yourself, your feelings, and your difficulties while developing new, more adaptive coping skills personally designed to target the issues that you bring to therapy.

We treat unresolved trauma, anxiety, depression, OCD, relationship issues, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and career and family issues using the latest evidence-based approaches designed specifically for you.

We Got YouWe got you.

Find refuge from the noise and bustle of New York City.

From the moment you enter our calm, relaxing offices, you will feel supported, centered, and motivated to move your life in the direction of your dreams.

Choose in person or online sessions tailored just for you, that work best with your schedule.

Send us a text! Let’s schedule your free consultation to see how we can help: (646) 586-3311.